Sunday, June 15, 2008

Here's How I Do Cafe au lait...

So this is the first of a series of little recipes I implement in my humble little kitchen.
If you have a career and single, then this article is most probably for you. Just because you dont have time to prepare a full course, doesn't mean you can't eat a full course. I usually get bored at home and think what could I possibly do to make my next meal more exciting. The short answer is I improvise. Even if you need to copy and paste your recipe, modify somebody else's or even try something new, my advice is "do it!".

Here goes. For cafe au lait or caffe latte as most would call it, I use an expresso machine. But u could easily use a plunger or some other powder-to-concentrated-coffee contraption. In short it is

3 teaspoons coffee powder
1/4 cup of milk
1/4 cup of water

Heat the milk until it boils and place in your coffee cup. Then extract the coffee with the espresso machine or plunger. You'll want to get about a 1/4 cup of the concentrated liquid out. Add to the cup and enjoy ...

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Mo Better Blues ...

Now is the time and the time is now. So let me lay it down like a fresh beat and give it to you.
If there's anybody out there who's gonna make it I believe that it is me. I cant help feeling bad that I dont always genuinely want the same goodness for my fellow man/woman. Some people just deserve what they get in life. Karma is what hits you when it's least expected.
So to all those people out there who have did me wrong - you'll know who you are - just know that 10 years from now that I'll still be on top. Yeah! To the ladies, it's been your loss, not mine. Sorry that it had to be this way and perhaps that one experience was a learning curve in your life. Briing it on...
The fabulous frenetic formiddable fastidious forthright fellow over and out.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

A.K.A the Cunning Linguist

Do we all fear the same things? Probably not. But whether you're open about it or not it's the one thing that plays a huge role in our daily lives. If we fear things then it affects our self confidence, lowers our self esteem and ultimately influences how others perceive us.

Fear is quite a straightforward thing though. You think of something, it makes you uncomfortable and eventually you start to dread it. That will possibly manifest into fear our your mind will just sweep it under the rug. Some time back I came across an interesting perspective:"Face your fears!". It's nothing new but every time I try to put it into practice it's like I'm trying to walk for the first time. However, as I do tend to stay positive and confident about what I am doing then it's like riding a bicycle.

Sometimes it makes for some hilarious situations. You even start fearing something simple as greeting the next person, for fear that they might not greet you back. When I was a teenager I used to casually hide behind walls , divert my walking path and do some other crazy things because I was trying to avoid an uncomfortable greeting moment. Yikes. This took its toll on me especially with the ladies, for fear of rejection. Well now, I'm glad to say that I take rejection very well.

I'll be a little less generic now and take a really good case in point. Public speaking. This could probably be at the top of the list of many people's fears. Not everybody is born a Toastmaster,that is a God-gifted talent, but so many of us find it so difficult to pull off a good speech. While many of us will hide behind the pen and the keyboard, we will be called upon at some point in our lives to make presentations to audiences. I had this experience two weeks ago. It was actually a lot of fun.

My apologies for the poor sound quality and video of my Nokia N80, You be the judge ...

Part 1

Part 2

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Z is back

It's not quite the Return of the Space Cowboy, but after a notable sojourn from using the WWW for any recreative activities I am inspired to write again. To all of those beautiful people out there who have supported and believed in me, I say thanks a million.
No this is no Oscar reception but a simple thanks always goes a long way.

So what's been going on with me. Between turbulent relationships and bytecode turning my eyes square, I've managed to start reading books again - these one's actually dont have any picture - (Mom, you'll be so proud). I reckon the whole turning point in my life of late was the epiphany that my Cheese has moved. In other words, it occured to me that there's so much more to me than just a computational biologist. Dont get me wrong here, I love hacking away at DNA strings and probability theory but it's been a lot less challenging. Let's not forget the enormous ego that my superiors - professionally speaking - throw down on a daily basis. Lord help us all to be a little more humble.

Life should be practical. Everything has a beginning an an end. If we do not progress then we're not experiencing the full journey that this life offers us. I just hate comfort zones because like procrastination, they are the thieves of time. "Where to next?", is the big question.

So back to the books. Robin Sharma's "The Monk who sold his Ferrari" is what I'm currently feeding my hungry mind. It's full of winderous techiques and insights into the deeper purpose, or Dharma, of life. I feel that my purpose is also to help others in the best way that I can. When I was a kid I wanted to be a scientist and solve two great challenges to mankind i.e. cure cancer and patch the ozone layer. I must have been high on too much candy because these are perhaps one of the most difficult afflictions facing humanity today. I will not give up though. I still dream of my name being immortalized in an encyclopedia like Hershey and Chase, Watson and Crick, Lurie and Delbruck and Starsky and Hutch (Ha ha).

Oh, gotta go now. Will post some more later.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Welcome to My Spicy Blog

I felt the intense pressure to publish my thoughts (that nobody else really cares about) on the WWW. Perhaps I am sheep being led by the blog shepherd or just an individual wanting to be heard. Either way this is a useful way to share my views and opinions ...

Enough of the boring preamble, watch this site for more.
